If you find yourself somewhat at a loss when it comes to small talk or conversing at networking events, borrow a lesson from professional speakers. They prepare their speeches, research their audiences and practice in advance so that every presentation is interesting, compelling and helps them fulfill their mission and grow their businesses.
When I first started attending business networking events I used to feel exactly the same when it came to presenting my sixty seconds (or elevator pitch as some call it). The vast majority of my business is gained through networking so it’s an essential part of my daily routine. Fortunately I’ve managed to overcome my fear of presenting with these two great business networking was a lot more difficult before.
The first part of the definition describes those who talk together as an alliance. That means that they are all on the same side. I’ve seen plenty of networking groups that consisted of people who competed with each other. That attitude is the antithesis of a Mastermind group. You’ll have to screen every person you invite to make sure that this principle is understood.
You have an opportunity to leverage the Facebook platform for your business and as a marketing and networking site. You want to be sincere in getting to know others here and show your personality off.
If you feel uncomfortable with the thought of networking, then change the way you think about it. Most of us think that networking is an activity, an event to attend, or a “thing to do”, in order to market our business. Rather than think of it that way, look at networking as an attitude, or a skill to be developed. It’s something that can become a part of us every day, and can be shared with everyone we meet.
An oldie but goodie free lead source is the phone book. That’s right, cold calls. It is not pretty, but you will build your sales skills tremendously. You will get hung software defined networking up on and maybe even sworn at. But you will learn to overcome objections and think quickly on your feet. The best part about it, as you are perfecting your skills with this technique, no one even knows who you are or what you look like. You never have to feel embarrassed or ashamed if you make a mistake. Ask to speak to the business manager or top sales producer in the company. You want to converse with the people who work hard and are looking to climb the ladder.
When you choose the right group, you’ll meet with like-minded people, build effective business and personal relationships, and promote your business too. When you go consistently and regularly, people will get to know you. As well as talking about you, you’ll be referring others to your connections too.
Think back to when you met someone or listened to someone who was truly passionate about what they do. These people are the most convincing and most importantly their passion is infectious and will sweep you along too. Remember, you can’t fake passion.
The ideal communication, and using these online marketing and networking tips, offer your customers and prospects a variety of avenues to hear from and about you. You want ‘fans’ that want to hear from you – and you have to reach out to them and bring them closer to you as your online community.