It’s easy to not understand what Twitter is when you happen upon someone’s personal page. The micro posts are a potpourri of replies that don’t quite make sense to the visitor, but that’s okay because you’re not connecting with your visitors, you are connecting with your followers.
What sets you apart from the crowd, what is your unique “shining” point? What achievements and accomplishments, dreams or desires reveal the emotional, inner side of you and how do you promote that side of you. Customers and clients want to feel they know and trust you enough to do business with you.
More public approval here! It is a pretty easy platform to jump on. You can also use this as another Social Media platform to interact on; conversations can flow, and you can gain more fans with marketing and networking tips at trade shows used on a regular basis.
Get software defined networking started. Don’t wait for someone to pay you to be what you want to be. Just do it! If you want to prove you can design logos, for example, volunteer to redesign the logo for your friend’s small business. Or simply redesign some existing corporate logos for demonstration purposes.
Open communication to prolific writers who can eventually offer you additional work. Or join online forums of writers; give your feedbacks or comments embedding your site on it.
1) Get clear on what you’re looking for. What kind of job or opportunity do you want? Keep it short and sweet so you can communicate it easily. Practice that as your “elevator speech” for meeting new potential employers or future colleagues.
If you think you’ll forget who you meet, when you take someone’s business card, make a few notes on the back – for example, where you met them and what you talked about. It will help your memory later.
There are various types of networking groups from informal coffee shop get-togethers to formal breakfast meetings. The first thing you need to do is find the right networking events for you.
Effectiveness: Do not try to join all the possible networks, as you will not have the time to maintain all of them. Likewise, do not join all the groups that you come across within the networks, either. Choose only a few groups that suit your interests.
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