10 Terrific Networking Tips For A Web 2.0 World

Whatever professional field you are in, you can improve your career success with these networking tips. Follow the steps, suggestions, and use the references below to let your networking go to work for you.

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Start networking. Networking is still the best way to get a job. Spread the word that you are in job search mode among your friends, family, former co-workers — anyone that you know who could help with your job search. Dig up names from internships or summer jobs and reach out to those people. Join online networking groups (LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.).

CONTACTING ALL THOSE YOU KNOW – The probably most obvious form of software defined networking is done by going through your entire address book and business card collection. Setting up an organized routine of systematically working through your list; communicating with friends, family, coworkers, colleagues, and acquaintances keeps you on track. Make sure to also include association members, church friends, people you volunteer with, and your children’s friends’ parents, coaches, and teachers on your contact list. Stay aware for opportune moments to mention you are looking for work, start with those in similar industry or field so they can keep their ears open and maybe make a few calls to others who can make a few calls to others – and so on – and so on – and so on…

Recently I was watching Kudlow & Company on MSNBC and they tried a similar concept. Just before a station break they announced that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was no longer the most powerful woman in the world any more according to Forbes magazine. They expected me to sit through the break to wait for the answer as to who replaced her. Do you think I waited? With my faithful notebook computer right next to me I had the answer before the first commercial was over. The world’s most powerful woman was now Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, according to the list. By the time the break was over I was no longer watching Kudlow and had found my way to other on-demand news and information from the Internet and could care less about the rest of the program (and I’m a huge Kudlow fan!).

Prior to attending a software defined networking how it works event, decide what reward you are going to give yourself for speaking/introducing yourself to at least three to five people and for staying longer than you plan. And be sure you withhold the reward if you do not meet your goal.

And secondly when you meet people at networking events, take some time to find out more about them. It isn’t about building a group of transient people you may see from time to time, it is about creating a network of supportive people. Invite them out to lunch or coffee; get to know them on a personal basis too. This will give you the great opportunity to find out more about them, how you can work together or help each other out.

Keep in touch with your network to see what they are up to and how you can help them. You never want to turn to your network when you really need them, especially when you have not bothered staying in touch. Call to say hello, send an interesting article, or invite them to a networking event.