12 Networking Pointers To Success ~ Enhance Your Abilities & Grow Your Business

We have a need to be heard and a need to be listened to. We have much to say and need space and places to say it. That’s why I can’t understand why a popular social media site restricts you to 144 characters. Another provoking question; why is “being followed” so important? Anyone remember when a “follower” was considered “weak” and usually a member of a cult who was kidnapped in order to be de-programmed?

Here are some networking levels that come from building my business during my 10 years in private practice and more than that networking inside organizations. Yes, if you want to build a professional career, then you need to know the right players inside your organization as well as out in the world.

Figure software defined networking out your health benefits. Your benefits may be extended under your severance agreement. Find out the COBRA laws and get the proper documentation to get that process started. Check out other health plans as well.

Technique: Before you go on an appointment with a client, visit their LinkedIn profile. One of their connections could be a good candidate for your product or service. When you visit your client, ask them if they could help you by way of providing an introduction to the individual as they know them.

In order to find new clients, you want to meet lots of new people! That’s where networking comes into play. Do a search online to find the networking groups in your area and look for BNI which is also a referral group. Don’t forget about associations as well, which can be a rich source for potential clients. There are also philanthropic groups such as the Lions Club and Rotary Club that work together to help the community or chosen charities.

4) Follow up. If someone refers you to someone who lands you paid work, a temp gig or especially a full-time job, don’t forget to thank the referrer with a hand-written note of appreciation. Keep them in mind as someone whom you may want to do something nice for in the future.

In reality there are a few things you must understand and the rest is based on your personality and your native comfort level, and your ability to sift through the opportunities for the good matches and recognize where you’re wasting your time.

First of all be the genuine article and don’t put on an act. After a while you’ll find it difficult to keep up the act and just like a lie, one lie leads to another. As you go forward you become increasingly more of a fake and people start to see through you.

Choose a networking group based on the type of people you want to meet. Who are your best prospects–business owners, HR professionals, writers, nurses, lawyers? Participate in groups catering to them.

So now that you’re back in “sales mode” you’re probably meeting a lot of new contacts and you’ll need to drop them a line every now and then. Fax a copy of the business cards that you’ve collected and your virtual assistant can enter them into a spreadsheet along with reminders of when to send thank you notes, holiday cards, and follow up letters. Priceless! Just sign your signature to the bottom to let clients and prospects know that you’re sincere.