Think about the last time you purchased something for your business. Many purchases are commodities these days in that you can get the same thing or a similar thing almost anywhere. So why did you buy where you did?
Be on TIME. Perception is everything. If you want people to use your services or give you referrals it’s key to make a good first impression. Being tardy can give others the impression that you are not prepared or that you’re an amateur in the industry.
Email is another relationship building platform. Many gurus have beautifully branded emails. Others are just plain good reading without any branding logo. Yet, both have a feel and look to them. And, their personality shows through their branding efforts and communications to you. They are using marketing and networking groups guildford that they found successful. Check these out and learn.
Many networking groups will allow you to try before you buy, and others will offer a pay per session charge. So ask around the people you know in business already – where do they go? What do they do? Or check out the trade journals or search on the internet to find groups in your area. And before making a huge investment, make sure that it is the right networking group for you and that it will give you the right returns.
In your Voice Mail Message be sure to include your website address so thatthe caller will know clearly where to find out about your business and software defined networking even buy products through the site.
The first thing to consider is whether trying harder has worked in the past. If you are okay with gradual gains, that’s fine. Quit reading this and do what works for you. However, if you’re someone who wants to accelerate your rate of achievement and success then quantum leaping may be right for you.
Step 7, Be honest with yourself. After Madoff’s ponzi scheme, trust is gone. Tell the truth to yourself and to your friends, and you will raise your required capital.
Begin with a bang by inviting more people than you need to fill the group. Each person in the core group should invite at least ten people to the launch party. Make this truly a party atmosphere full of fun and excitement. Plan this meeting well and invite more than one person from each business category. What should result is a competition for the open slots between the invitees. This creates buzz and desire to participate. These newly drafted members will add excitement and enthusiasm to your group. Do this as many times as it takes to fill the group. Don’t be overly ambitious about membership. Most closed groups function best with between six and twenty members.
Be generous. Give business cards out to everyone, including family and friends. Don’t let vanity stop you from giving out your last business card or giving 2 at a time to each person. I have met many people who have totally missed the purpose of a business card. I once asked a person for a second business card, so I could refer his services. His response was “I only have a few cards left and I need them”, as he looked again at his name on the card. Hoarding your business cards only makes your wallet feel full, not your bank account.
In the past year I have personally experienced this at a heightened level. It has been truly amazing. My personal belief is that nothing happens randomly. We have these unseen forces on our side as we move confidently in the direction of our dreams. It now seems perfectly natural, yet we must keep our mind open to this phenomena or it can quickly close for us.