5 Service Networking Ideas Anyone Can Follow

Many will shy away from attending a business networking event because they are concerned about public speaking and making a presentation. Here are two tips to help take away the worry and support you through your first experiences.

When I talk about networking, it is more than just going to networking groups. It is about sharing your message with people you know and scheduling individual meetings too.

And secondly when you meet people at software defined networking events, take some time to find out more about them. It isn’t about building a group of transient people you may see from time to time, it is about creating a network of supportive people. Invite them out to lunch or coffee; get to know them on a personal basis too. This will give you the great opportunity to find out more about them, how you can work together or help each other out.

You need to set up a schedule for your network marketing business. Now, preparing this schedule and keeping it aside isn’t enough, instead you need to try adhering to the prepared schedule religiously. In other words, to make your business a real success, you need to devote as much as twelve to fifteen hours on a weekly basis to focused work.

Which company can deliver a combination of speed and consistency? You’ll do yourself a favor early on in the process by finding out which company can deliver on the most important counts. In satellite internet service, that would probably be speed and consistency. See which company can straddle the border between these two essential items and do it effectively on a daily basis. You may need to consult customer reviews to get the most definitive answer.

But before you start “selling” the key is to build relationships and this starts with getting to know, like and trust people. So try these business networking call tips and market your business in a way that makes you feel comfortable.

KISS: Keep it simple, Sally. Keep your mission statement short, sweet and to the point. Recommendations are to stay within 3-4 lines for your mission statement.

The majority at the event work very hard to be interesting but they go about it in the wrong way. They use the land-grab approach – give a business card to everyone and spill their guts about themselves.

Get focused on referrals and introductions. This is where 98% of companies and sales people are losing money. They hardly get any of the referrals they could. Have you set a referral goal at the end of each day as to how many you will ask for tomorrow?

So now that you’re back in “sales mode” you’re probably meeting a lot of new contacts and you’ll need to drop them a line every now and then. Fax a copy of the business cards that you’ve collected and your virtual assistant can enter them into a spreadsheet along with reminders of when to send thank you notes, holiday cards, and follow up letters. Priceless! Just sign your signature to the bottom to let clients and prospects know that you’re sincere.