It seems like I hear more and more often from clients that they do not have enough hours in a day to accomplish what needs to done. Between life, work and business, how do you get it all done? Are you calmly going about your day or are you stressed beyond belief? According to many medical researchers, stress is considered as one of the main causes of death in the United States. The Mayo Clinic has excellent resources for controlling stress.
Use software defined networking your community. Job seekers often forget to use another powerful network: the community they live in. Drop the kids at school and chat with other parents. Help out at the next working bee. Talk work at the local pub or at the football game: it’s okay … really. You’ll never know who-knows-who unless you make this effort.
By not acting on a lead, you have two things working against you. One, you are allowing for your competition to get the jump on you. And two, you are giving your potential customer an opportunity to seek out somebody else to provide them with the product or service they are looking for.
Obviously, you are going to have to make sure that you have all the necessary equipment, which can include a computer, telephone, internet, and specific software programs.
It is natural to hibernate and to think that every minute of every day must be devoted to securing a job. That’s not realistic. Break the day up just as sdn tutorial point you would a regular work day. There must be an end time, and there must be a time for family and friends.
Are the clients happy at this time? If you start reading reviews on any product or service, you might find yourself taking a walk down memory lane. Do reviews about satellite broadband service from ten years ago have any bearing on you at this point in time? You’ll get an idea about a company by reading reviews from any era, but remember how much the situation can change in a few years. Make sure the reviews you trust are from the previous year or two at the earliest.
When it’s time to go outside your warm market and look for new people to talk to, there are many different ways to do so. You can join networking groups like BNI, or you can advertising in the “Help Wanted” sections of the newspapers. Setting up a Breast Cancer awareness table is another great way to get new names to add to your list. Most stores will let you setup a Breast Cancer Awareness table because you’re offering a public service. For details on how to do this, see my blog post on Breast Cancer Awareness Tables. Fair/event booths are another great way to get leads, as well as fundraisers. All of these can be a great source of new potential customers or recruits for your business.
Some helpers tend to be perfectionists, which may not be helpful as far as the project is concerned. This tendency stalls work and can prevent the assistant or entire team from continuing the business relationship and project work.
Get started. Don’t wait for someone to pay you to be what you want to be. Just do it! If you want to prove you can design logos, for example, volunteer to redesign the logo for your friend’s small business. Or simply redesign some existing corporate logos for demonstration purposes.
Networking works best if you can make it a routine part of the way you live your life. Anyone who runs their own business understands this. Unfortunately, people with steady jobs tend not to do it so well. They therefore find that if they lose their job, they have no supporting network in place.