The market has gotten tighter, people or spending less, finding work is harder to do. So what is a contractor (or any other small business) suppose to do. There are some things that all contractors should be working on right now, weather they are busy or not. If they are done consistently you will be getting more calls and giving more estimates very soon.
Think you have to come up with something totally unique. Try not to invent a new wheel. If you want to succeed, your chances are greatly enhanced by doing something that has already proven successful. There is always room for new entrepreneurs and many communities will networking groups victoria bc openly embrace you.
Technique: Before you go on an appointment with a client, visit their LinkedIn profile. One of their connections could be a good candidate for your product or service. When you visit your client, ask them if they could help you by way of providing an introduction to the individual as they know them.
A provoking thought: Business gurus and networking groups promote “building relationships.” How many people reading this article are building relationships through conversation? Granted, conversation has morphed in the 21st century. It’s more electronic than ever. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away, I can remember people refusing to leave their name and phone number on an answering machine because they found it too impersonal and rude. Nowadays, people would rather leave their live voice on an electronic device than “talk” to a real person. We love communication but we don’t necessarily love conversation. And for many, they don’t like having a conversation that’s deeper than 144 characters.
Are you confident in how you look? Knowing that you look good can really bolster your own self-confidence. Get your hair trimmed, manicure your nails and make sure your suit is pressed and clean, and your shirt is freshly laundered and ironed. Shine your shoes and plan your outfit at least a few days before. That way if you find an ugly stain on your jacket you will have time to get I cleaned!
A Trade Show targeted for people interested in starting a home business is the best place to start. Smaller booths are very affordable, easy to decorate and give you a great chance to make personal contact with visitors. If you display informative brochures and offer fun software defined networking prizes hourly you will get numerous leads from attendees. Make sure your website URL and phone number are in full view.
If you think you’ll forget who you meet, when you take someone’s business card, make a few notes on the back – for example, where you met them and what you talked about. It will help your memory later.
And when you finally get there, you will realize that all the places you momentarily got lost or took a wrong turn were very instrumental in helping you reach your final destination! And you will also realize that it was all worth it. Owning your own successful business is very rewarding – personally, emotionally and financially!