A few years ago Aflac Insurance came up with the clever idea of providing trivia questions that were used as a lure to keep people watching what ever show one was watching. It was a pretty smart innovation of advertising. The way it worked was simple, at the end of a segment of a show — typically a news program — they would ask a trivia question that you would have to wait through the break in order to the see the answer. What was once clever is now irritating. Furthermore, it reminds the audience how TV is declining in importance and is being surpassed by the Internet.
Stay in contact with others in the same situation. Odds are that you have different skill sets software defined networking so if a job doesn’t suit you it may suit a friend and vice versa. You get twice the mileage.
I had the pleasure of interviewing Kathie Thomas, the founder of the Virtual Assistant industry in Australia, in a live tele-seminar for Wonderful Web Women. I asked Kathie to share with us where she suggested you should start if you intend to become a Virtual Assistant. Here are Kathie’s tips.
Keep it simple – in this age of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) it pays to deliver information as quickly and easily as possible. Pretend everyone of networking education tips your website visitors has ADD. Now, how can you change your website to deliver what they’re looking for ASAP?
IT support is very important these days. The clients from all over world need these. Chicago ITians are now recruited by us for providing you with these supports and the chances of accuracy is high.
There are various types of networking groups from informal coffee shop get-togethers to formal breakfast meetings. The first thing you need to do is find the right networking events for you.
If your feet hurt or the food sucks, keep your comments to yourself. Nobody likes a whiner. If everyone else complains about the food though, go ahead and join in, you don’t want people to think you’re starving!
Going to every meeting you can find, and thrusting your business cards into the hands of every person you can corner isn’t networking. To do it right, you have to be with the right groups, and make connections with the right individuals. Networking doesn’t mean having fleeting contact with as many people as you can, it means building relationships with the right people.
A Trade Show targeted for people interested in starting a home business is the best place to start. Smaller booths are very affordable, easy to decorate and give you a great chance to make personal contact with visitors. If you display informative brochures and offer fun prizes hourly, you will get numerous leads from attendees. Make sure your website URL and phone number are in full view.
Raising capital is an art form, and don’t believe what you see on TV. Not everyone is going to be a millionaire, and is almost an impossible feat. Remember this though, according to the Metro Wealth Index, the Los Angeles numbers for MILLIONAIRES FOR 2009 were up 13.3 percent from 2008, but that was not enough to make up for the 17.8-percent drop in millionaires in the previous year during the heart of the financial crisis. Never loose focus and you will achieve your goal, and remember, the best investment is in yourself.