60 2Nd Time Out – Top 10 Social Networking Tips

I’m afraid you’ve heard the truth too many times already. “Content, content and more content” is what you need to get traffic to your site. But, of course, it’s not just any content. First of all, it has to be valuable content. Not just “yack-yack”. Who’s really going to come back for more of that? Secondly, the content should apply to whatever you sell or offer.

Include informational articles on your site. The main purpose of internet users is still to find useful information. You don’t have to be a professional writer. Simply do some research on your subject, place your information in a decent order and make it sound interesting by letting your personality shine through as if you were talking to your best friend. We usually offer our own friends valuable information with enthusaism and even have fun telling our view.

12- Develop You- You can grow your business as big as you can grow yourself. The more you grow and strengthen your knowledge, skills, and personality traits the more confident you become and the more you begin to attract. Start networking events in dc there!

In my 29 years of recruiting, I have talked with and trained over 200 recruiters around the country in advanced recruiting techniques. Given this, I’ve learned two things 1) the recruiting industry is not homogeneous and 2) we all may be different, but there is one constant; how we find people. There really isn’t anything all that unique about how recruiters go about locating potential candidates. We all use our networks and other people’s networks. This includes both on-line networks such as LinkedIn (Consider joining a LinkedIn Job Search Group) and off-line such as networking groups in our community.

By not acting on a lead, you have two things working against you. One, you are allowing for your competition to get the jump on you. And two, you are giving your potential customer an opportunity to seek out somebody else to provide them with the product or service they are looking for.

When you choose the right group, you’ll meet with like-minded people, build effective business and personal relationships, and promote your business too. When you go consistently and regularly, people will get to know you. As well as talking about you, you’ll be referring others to your connections too.

Social Networks like Facebook and Twitter are two examples. Spend a little time looking around these sites to see how things work, then jump in! Being on these networks will keep your business in front of people that may be interested in getting some work done. Post useful information, answer questions, look professional but don’t be pushy. This works. Social software defined networking is the fastest growing segment online (my mom is on Facebook), make use of this growing market now.

Get yourself a business card, or “career card.” You’re a professional with some skills, education and a bit of experience, right? So what if no one has hired you to put all of that awesomeness to work yet? You still need to come across professionally to all that you meet. Without it, how do you anticipate giving out your contact info? On the back of a bank deposit slip? Shoving one of your resumes into their suit pocket? Maybe even add a phrase about what you do or want to do.

If you are lucky enough to find a good group, then make a commitment and show up for at least 6 months to realize your investment. Even if you’re with ‘your people’ it takes time to build trust and find worthy referral sources.

Networking isn’t just about meeting people face to face, although this is an important strategy in your business. There are great ways of connecting with people online with various networking groups including Ecademy, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and more. But don’t forget to go out too as the relationships you develop face-to-face will be essential for your business, but the joy of social networking is that you can continue to keep in touch even when you don’t have time to leave the office.