Networking and connecting can be incredibly rewarding. And as you get the hang of it you may determine that the time has come for you to start your own networking group. While many who choose to will succeed, the risk involved should be measured against the potential reward before jumping in.
These are some of the most effective ways on how to earn money online. Freelance writing, merchandising and selling on eBay and blogging are only three of the numerous methods on how to earn money in the internet. This may require some of your time and effort but the great deal of success and earning opportunities will be returned within a short period of time.
18. If someone says “call me” or “email me”, make sure you do. If this is someone you met very briefly, remind him politely who you are and why you are calling, at the beginning of your telephone conversation or email. Just don’t say “I’m the weird guy with the weird name,” or something like that, and don’t ever say “sorry to bother you”. They asked YOU to call them.
You have a down line, people that you brought into the business to help you make more money. What are you doing to help them make money and become a success in the company. You have to give in order to receive, and really there is no greater sense of success then helping another person meet and achieve their goals. I have worked “with” many different MLMs and networking letter companies and all of those people were great recruiters. They convinced me to come on board- but when I needed help to make a success of what I was doing, they were no where to be found. So why would I waste my time trying to make a business work, where those people got paid off what I was doing and they weren’t there to help me.
Take stock of your business contacts, who are your confidants, mentors? Who do you know and what do they do? Do you belong to professional networking groups or Chamber of commerce in your areas? LinkedIn is one of such business networking sites that comes to mind.
And secondly when you meet people at software defined networking events, take some time to find out more about them. It isn’t about building a group of transient people you may see from time to time, it is about creating a network of supportive people. Invite them out to lunch or coffee; get to know them on a personal basis too. This will give you the great opportunity to find out more about them, how you can work together or help each other out.
With benefit we often find risk, and the risks are many when it comes to starting your own networking group. You may not succeed and those you attempt to bring into a group will be disappointed. This may lead to fewer leads and referrals. You may alienate a friend or networking partner if you do not invite them to your new group. There may be power struggles and difficulty moving the group to action from time to time. And if you choose to charge a fee to be apart of the group you will have the headache of maintaining the books for a new business venture that will make little if any money for some time to come. If you don’t charge a fee you may find it harder to get participants to take the group seriously.
The answer is one word; NETWORKING. Since recruiters maximize the use of their networks and others, all you have to do is be so well networked that a recruiter can’t help but find you. If you really are well networked, as recruiters tap into their networks, your name will always come up as a referral. The more often recruiters hear, “You should call ____, they sound exactly like what you are looking for” the higher the probability you will get a call.
Quality: Make sure you go through all your content to check and see if it is of good quality, before posting it on your profile and in your networking interactions.
Start by brainstorming topics to write about for your ezine. Think about all the subjects your ideal clients want to know about and how to solve their problems. Then you can start writing articles and create a stock pile for future use. It can be easier to sit down and write a few articles at a time to get a flow going.