7 Online Social Networking Tips For Network Marketers

If you find yourself somewhat at a loss when it comes to small talk or conversing at networking events, borrow a lesson from professional speakers. They prepare their speeches, research their audiences and practice in advance so that every presentation is interesting, compelling and helps them fulfill their mission and grow their businesses.

12- Develop You- You can grow your business as big as you can grow yourself. The more you grow and strengthen your knowledge, skills, and personality traits the more confident you become and the more you begin to attract. Start there!

Possible choices: networking and/or business groups; business journal, chamber advertising, web based networking groups – such as BlitzTime, newspaper, direct mail, inserts, trade shows, e-marketing, billboard, radio, TV, internet advertizing, blogging – such as Ezine, website optimization, sponsored links on search engines and social networks such as LinkedIn.

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More public approval here! It is a pretty easy platform to jump on. You can also use this as another Social Media platform to interact on; conversations can flow, and you can gain more fans with marketing and computer networking used on a regular basis.

A Trade Show software defined networking targeted for people interested in starting a home business is the best place to start. Smaller booths are very affordable, easy to decorate and give you a great chance to make personal contact with visitors. If you display informative brochures and offer fun prizes hourly, you will get numerous leads from attendees. Make sure your website URL and phone number are in full view.

Disclaimer here: I don’t care for these types of groups. It feels too much like the dating and bar scene. Everyone’s seems to be scrounging around for business and not interested in anything deep or meaningful. Plus there are tons of the same types of persons at these meetings so you have lots of competition and not a lot of differentiation. What happens is your services become commodity services instead of personal-it becomes about your price instead of your inherent value.

If your feet hurt or the food sucks, keep your comments to yourself. Nobody likes a whiner. If everyone else complains about the food though, go ahead and join in, you don’t want people to think you’re starving!

One of the big mistakes made with networking is missing out on potential opportunities. You’ll be going to networking events to meet new people and to build relationships, so it is important not to go away with a bunch of business cards and then file them in a drawer somewhere. Follow up is key.

So now that you’re back in “sales mode” you’re probably meeting a lot of new contacts and you’ll need to drop them a line every now and then. Fax a copy of the business cards that you’ve collected and your virtual assistant can enter them into a spreadsheet along with reminders of when to send thank you notes, holiday cards, and follow up letters. Priceless! Just sign your signature to the bottom to let clients and prospects know that you’re sincere.