Another Method To Broaden Your Service – Use Social Networking Media

If unemployed, print your own business cards to use at networking events. Include your contact information with your target market. Example: John Q. Smith, Sales Management.

Too much group time. Spending too much time in group activities such as forums or social networking groups can consume your time unnecessarily. It is true you can learn what people are looking for and are wanting by participating in forums and social networking groups. The problem is you get drawn in and before you know it the whole day is gone. It gives you a sense of learning and working but in reality it is not time well spent if taken to the extreme. Make sure you limit your time in forums or social networking groups just to the amount of time needed to retrieve information you are looking for.

You have a down line, people that you brought into the business to help you make more money. What are you doing to help them make money and become a success in the company. You have to give in order to receive, and really there is no greater sense of success then helping another person meet and achieve their goals. I have worked “with” many different MLMs and software defined networking companies and all of those people were great recruiters. They convinced me to come on board- but when I needed help to make a success of what I was doing, they were no where to be found. So why would I waste my time trying to make a business work, where those people got paid off what I was doing and they weren’t there to help me.

Don’t hang out with those you already know. If you stand to the side talking with your spouse (co-worker, friend, etc.) for the entire event, you didn’t network.

To me, being efficient means working smarter. Here are Five networking strategy definition that will increase your brand exposure and overall business health immediately.

Here are a few simple ways to market your book by networking (making friends) with other authors who will slowly help you to step outside of your comfort zone.

For more info: Do you love running a business and staying on top of best practices? Check back regularly for the NY Women’s Business Examiner’s tips on the best business resources, networking groups and business development. Or make it easier on yourself and just subscribe to receive an e-mail every time this site is updated. Your address will remain confidential.