Company Networking: A Tool For Success

As much as you might shudder at the thought, your career success will be directly tied to your willingness and ability to network. I’d go so far as to say that if you don’t learn how, and actively practice and build your networking skills, you won’t reach your goals. Your resume (and your shoes) may be polished to a shine, but if you are ignoring the fact that 2/3 or more of people get their jobs through people they already know, or people they meet in the search, all that shine is for nothing. We get information, ideas, resources, scoop, and new contacts from others in all other areas of our lives, so why should your career be any different?

More public approval here! It is a pretty easy platform to jump on. You can also use this as another Social Media platform to interact on; conversations can flow, and you can gain more fans with marketing and networking technologies used on a regular basis.

Find your source for networking events. If you prefer official recommendations, go the route of your local Chamber of Commerce and head to their events–and ask members at those events what groups they prefer. If you dig word-of-mouth suggestions, ask fellow mom entrepreneurs or business colleagues where they go to swap advice with others. If you’re an online gal, head to where you can find hundreds of networking groups in your zip code and by your type of interest.

Going to every meeting you can find, and thrusting your business cards into the hands of every person you can corner isn’t software defined networking. To do it right, you have to be with the right groups, and make connections with the right individuals. Networking doesn’t mean having fleeting contact with as many people as you can, it means building relationships with the right people.

In your Voice Mail Message be sure to include your website address so thatthe caller will know clearly where to find out about your business and even buy products through the site.

It is best to find a marketing method and mentor that you trust in order to become successful online. As you will learn, many experienced marketers do not always agree on how things should be done. With this in mind, find someone you like and trust that has become successful and follow his or her views. One of the best attributes article marketing strategies has is that it is free. True you may have to pay for some courses to save time in the learning curve, but most are not expensive and are very well written.

The market may be getting tighter but you have a choice in getting more business. Customers will call because they will see you and your marketing. The actions listed above will not take long to learn and the rewards will be great. Make the effort and results will follow. The most important thing to do is to get started right now, doing nothing – changes nothing.