Many will shy away from attending a business networking event because they are concerned about public speaking and making a presentation. Here are two tips to help take away the worry and support you through your first experiences.
Take a look at some of the outside factors that represent your personal brand, such as the company you work for or the company you keep. Who are your friends, alliances and partners? What networking groups do you belong to?
Make appealing titles and product description, and great photos of the items. Make descriptions that grab attention but do not make software defined networking it objectionable by using all capital letters or too much punctuation. Be discreet in telling defects of the items you wish to sell.
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Think about a time when you needed to make a new connection, say, to a reliable auto mechanic. You may have started out by scanning the yellow pages only to realize that there’s no way to know who’s honest and competent. What do you do then? You do what everyone does: they turn to friends, family and acquaintances for a personal recommendation. If the first person you ask can’t offer you a good referral, he or she may know someone who can, and if not, you move on to the next person on your list, and the next. Pretty soon you make the connection you were looking for…even without your set of official software defined networking vs traditional networking!
That is another key right there, know your product. You can be selling or working with the greatest product in the world, but if you can’t tell a person about it intelligently you just killed that product and any hope that you had from making a sale.
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