Marketing 201: Networking Goals

Many people cringe at the thought of having to “network” to gain business for their cleaning company. But networking is one of the best ways to meet people and build relationships, and as you know, building relationships is the cornerstone of building a successful cleaning business.

How does a professional speaker develop a speech? They have three basic parts that they work on in a prepared presentation: structure, content and delivery. Think about these questions before your next business to business networking event and you’ll never be at a loss for what to say (and how to say it). Here are three sets of networking business card based on this presentation format. Next time you are wondering how to network, start with this basic set up and have answers ready to these questions.

Be software defined networking on TIME. Perception is everything. If you want people to use your services or give you referrals it’s key to make a good first impression. Being tardy can give others the impression that you are not prepared or that you’re an amateur in the industry.

Make sure your breath is fresh; take a pack of gum or some peppermints in your pocket and SMILE. People are far more likely to talk to you if you look happy. A big old frown will turn everybody off.

I guarantee you will wonder why you even started doing this and it will happen many times. Building a home business can be extremely frustrating and overwhelming at times. That is when connecting with other business builders online and offline can help keep you focused. Join some networking groups so you can talk to others who are going through the same experiences and feelings as you are. Remind yourself why you started your own business in the first place. You can work through these feelings.

Keep it simple – in this age of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) it pays to deliver information as quickly and easily as possible. Pretend everyone of your website visitors has ADD. Now, how can you change your website to deliver what they’re looking for ASAP?

So why is this important to candidates? Because the most often asked question of recruiters is, “How do I get in touch with retained recruiters?” The answer is a simple one; “You don’t need to.” You don’t really want to get in touch with every recruiter, that is impossible. You only want to get in touch with those recruiters that have a search that meets your background. All the other recruiters don’t matter! So the real question should be; ” How do I get recruiters looking for me, to find me?” Now that is an easy thing to do, but like most things it isn’t simple.

The ideal communication, and using these online marketing and networking tips, offer your customers and prospects a variety of avenues to hear from and about you. You want ‘fans’ that want to hear from you – and you have to reach out to them and bring them closer to you as your online community.