There are hundreds – indeed thousands – of jobs advertised on the internet every day. But searching online should not be your only strategy for job hunting. Don’t discount the potential of networking.
Take stock of your business contacts, who are your confidants, mentors? Who do you know and what do they do? Do you belong to professional networking groups or Chamber of commerce in your areas? LinkedIn is one of such business networking sites that comes to mind.
People like freebies and tips. Offer your best tips on working from home, on direct sales, web designing, and marketing and even Twitter tips. There are tips for everything so find something in your niche that you think would be valuable information. Throw in a few freebies as everyone loves something for free.
REFERRALS – My personal favorite networking clients come from referrals. Working in a service oriented profession; every referral to me, feels like a compliment or award. It means someone liked my work enough to tell others about it and positively pass my name on when someone is looking for assistance writing a resume or preparing for their job search. Referrals like all networking, work in a pyramid fashion, it just keeps expanding and reaching further to more potential clients. The happier my clients are the more they will pass my name to others looking for help and I make sure to keep that in mind with every client or potential client I speak with.
When I first started attending business networking events I used to feel exactly the same when it came to presenting my sixty seconds (or elevator pitch as some call it). The vast majority of my business is gained through networking so it’s an essential part of my daily routine. Fortunately I’ve managed to overcome my fear of presenting with these two great business networking groups columbia sc.
Get out of the house. Walk around the block or go to the mall each day to see human beings. As most people pick up their newspapers and mail either coming or going to work, make it a point to walk to get it each day. Don’t rely on getting it when you are going out for errands. This is one of the few times you don’t want to group your errands. The idea is to keep you moving.
Enter the room with confidence, stand up straight and smile. Look for a friendly face and introduce yourself. If you don’t see an opportunity to meet someone right away don’t panic. A sure fire way to strike up a conversation is to get in a line (to sign in, for food, for drinks, for the restrooms). You can also approach the person hosting the event and ask for an introduction. In addition, if the list of attendees is available prior to the meeting you can identify someone you would like to meet and approach someone to ask if the person you are looking for is at the meeting.
Some HP all-in-one printers may have problems with its scanning features, for this, you may need to contact the manufacturer. If you intend to make use of all the functions in the printer you must see to it that all of them work so that you software defined networking won’t have problems in your small business later on.
Some of the best business conversations occur when you find something out about your colleague that you never knew before. There’s a whole new dimension to that person. They become three-dimensional instead of flat. They are more than what they do for a living. They are real, live, human beings whose professional life is only one part of their existence. Try to be vulnerable and let them see a different side of you. They will see you as more than cash flow.
Making a career change is both challenging and exciting. The biggest problem you will face is the resistance of others who doubt your qualifications in your new field. The key is to stop looking for your dream job and start doing it. Eventually – like Jeff – you will gain acceptance and your transformation will be complete.