As a financial analyst, you will no doubt be doing plenty of networking. Do you sometimes feel intimidated when networking with others that have higher roles or with clients that you’ve never met? Do you feel like you don’t know what to talk about with them or how to act?
Yes, education and personal development. As that none of us are perfect or know everything, you can never turn your back on the opportunity to improve your self. Go to seminars, read books, read the literature that you receive from the different networking groups that you have joined. What, you haven’t joined any networking groups. I suggest you stop reading now and find some to join. You are missing out on a wonderful success habit that will build ongoing success for you.
To be truthful I had half-heartedly started looking for jobs even before the lay off. So at the very least I didn’t have to worry about updating my resume and coming up with a stellar cover letter at a time when I software defined networking needed to mope for a day or so.
Getting the relationship started is a great first step, but it will be up to you to build on this connection to strengthen the fabric of your network.
If you were to examine the analytics on a video where a guy talked about himself and his own experiences for thirty seconds, and then you saw the stats on another video where a guy made the experiences personal for the video, you’d likely see a better conversion rate on the second guy’s video. That’s because web surfers are selfish. That’s not a bad statement. It’s not saying anything bad about anyone. But it’s a true statement and it’s one that you have to keep in mind when using video marketing.
When I first started attending business networking events I used to feel exactly the same when it came to presenting my sixty seconds (or elevator pitch as some call it). The vast majority of my business is gained through networking so it’s an essential part of my daily routine. Fortunately I’ve managed to overcome my fear of presenting with these two great business networking groups sacramento.
For the actual presentation, the fact that you have timed it and run through it will have not done any harm. No doubts you’re still going to be nervous and all the symptoms above will still be there but here’s a great tip for how to keep it in control.
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