Networking Pointers For Shy Managers

Few things frustrate me more than authors who give up on their dreams. They’ve always wanted to be an author, and they’ve finally written a book. They’ve done everything right from doing research to having the book professionally edited and having a beautiful cover designed. They’ve even built a website and had the book listed at online bookstores. But then the trouble starts.

A key step to overcoming shyness is preparation and practice. Write down in advance some questions you think will stimulate and sustain a conversation. If you find yourself somewhat nervous when meeting someone new, try practicing what you are going to say with another person or even to yourself in the mirror. Then practice in an environment where you won’t feel intimidated. Role-play with someone you feel comfortable with. This way, when you feel unsure of yourself, you will still have an idea of what you want to say and how you are going to say it. You may even want to write out some questions on 3×5 cards and read them before you attend the meeting or event.

In my 29 years of recruiting, I have talked with and trained over 200 recruiters around the country in advanced recruiting techniques. Given this, I’ve learned two things 1) the recruiting industry is not homogeneous and 2) we all may be different, but there is one constant; how we find people. There really isn’t anything all that unique about how recruiters go about locating potential candidates. We all use our networks and other people’s networks. This includes both on-line networks such as LinkedIn (Consider joining a LinkedIn Job Search Group) and off-line such as networking groups in our community.

When we speak of you, we don’t mean the person making the video. We mean you, the audience. If you want people to stick with your video, you need to make it about the viewer and his/her problems. Otherwise, they couldn’t give a darn. They don’t care about anyone software defined networking but themselves.

Keep it simple – in this age of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) it pays to deliver information as quickly and easily as possible. Pretend everyone of your website visitors has ADD. Now, how can you change your website to deliver what they’re looking for ASAP?

Arrange to meet people networking protocols list in smaller groups and more intimate settings. It is much easier for us introverts to meet an individual over coffee and to network in smaller groups.

So you know where your target market “hangs out” online now you just need a low cost ad to grab their attention. A virtual assistant with a marketing background will be more than happy to create a few sample ads for you to choose from and even post the ads for you! If payment is required to post the ads then your virtual assistant will send you a separate invoice for advertising fees.

12- Develop You- You can grow your business as big as you can grow yourself. The more you grow and strengthen your knowledge, skills, and personality traits the more confident you become and the more you begin to attract. Start there!

And when you finally get there, you will realize that all the places you momentarily got lost or took a wrong turn were very instrumental in helping you reach your final destination! And you will also realize that it was all worth it. Owning your own successful business is very rewarding – personally, emotionally and financially!