Networking Suggestions 1 – Your One Minute, Elevator Speech

First, we discovered the value of marketing and networking tips working with Email marketing. Then, some of us found out about Social Media. We discovered that these marketing and networking tips worked really well here, also.

You may notice we have made no reference to open groups in this discussion. We believe there is an abundance of open networking groups and no need to create more. If you’re looking for an active, powerful, open group, look no further than your local chamber of commerce. If it isn’t functioning at a high level, volunteer to super-charge the networking for them. You will have an instant audience and you will be more likely to succeed.

Practice your 10-Second Brag(tm). You need to be able to get your message across quickly and effectively, so know how to say what you do in a short, benefit-oriented statement.

To me, being efficient means working smarter. Here are Five business networking tips video that will increase your brand exposure and overall business health immediately.

Make contacts. Build a network of influential people within the field you want to enter. Find creative ways to approach them and maintain the connection once it is made. For example, why not offer to write an article for a trade magazine or website? You can choose a topic which gives you a reason to contact key people within the industry.

Effectiveness: Do not try to join all the possible networks, as you will not have the time to maintain all of them. Likewise, do not join all the groups that you come across within the networks, either. Choose only a few groups that suit software defined networking your interests.

15. If someone mentions that they need a copy of so-and-so, do your best to get it and send it to them. If in their mind your name is associated with good things, their doors will open.

Next time you wonder what you’re going to do and say at the next business event or club meeting, think about your structure, content, and delivery. Professional speakers prepare in advance, why not you?