Online Networking Suggestions For Young Profession Opportunists

It is true that not many companies will hire you as a graphic artist if you simply send a resume outlining your ten-year career in tax accounting! Even the best resume cannot hide the fact that your previous work experience has not qualified you for the position you seek.

Disclaimer here: I don’t care for these types of groups. It feels too much like the dating and bar scene. Everyone’s seems to be scrounging around for business and not interested in anything deep or meaningful. Plus there are tons of the same types of persons at these meetings so you have lots of competition and not a lot of differentiation. What happens is your services become commodity services instead of personal-it becomes about your price instead of your inherent value.

Think of the meeting as you would a workout at the gym. What’s the point of going if you’re not going software defined networking to make the most of it? Arrive early, stick around, collect cards, and commit to calling for follow-up meetings.

Are all the satellite broadband providers in California and Texas offering the same goods more or less? After you do some research on the subject, you might not be convinced that one provider is all that different from another. If you see a standard bar being met by more than one provider, it might be time to investigate the other issues. Check on how much time it would take for the providers to get your connection going from first contact, or whose rebates add up to better prices in the end.

Are you confident in how you look? Knowing that you look good can really bolster your own self-confidence. Get your hair trimmed, manicure your nails and make sure your suit is pressed and clean, and your shirt is freshly laundered and ironed. Shine your shoes and plan your outfit at least a few days before. That way if you find an ugly stain on your jacket you will have time to get software defined networking journal I cleaned!

In my 29 years of recruiting, I have talked with and trained over 200 recruiters around the country in advanced recruiting techniques. Given this, I’ve learned two things 1) the recruiting industry is not homogeneous and 2) we all may be different, but there is one constant; how we find people. There really isn’t anything all that unique about how recruiters go about locating potential candidates. We all use our networks and other people’s networks. This includes both on-line networks such as LinkedIn (Consider joining a LinkedIn Job Search Group) and off-line such as networking groups in our community.

Some of the best business conversations occur when you find something out about your colleague that you never knew before. There’s a whole new dimension to that person. They become three-dimensional instead of flat. They are more than what they do for a living. They are real, live, human beings whose professional life is only one part of their existence. Try to be vulnerable and let them see a different side of you. They will see you as more than cash flow.

Make sure your breath is fresh; take a pack of gum or some peppermints in your pocket and SMILE. People are far more likely to talk to you if you look happy. A big old frown will turn everybody off.

So why is this important to candidates? Because the most often asked question of recruiters is, “How do I get in touch with retained recruiters?” The answer is a simple one; “You don’t need to.” You don’t really want to get in touch with every recruiter, that is impossible. You only want to get in touch with those recruiters that have a search that meets your background. All the other recruiters don’t matter! So the real question should be; ” How do I get recruiters looking for me, to find me?” Now that is an easy thing to do, but like most things it isn’t simple.

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