Video Marketing – Video Marketing Tips

Networking and connecting can be incredibly rewarding. And as you get the hang of it you may determine that the time has come for you to start your own networking group. While many who choose to will succeed, the risk involved should be measured against the potential reward before jumping in.

If you want to grow your business by networking it is imperative that you network with: people who are your ideal clients, people who know your ideal clients, and/or people who do business with your ideal clients. It’s that simple. So before you sign up for your next networking event, ask yourself if it is a good fit for your business.

If your feet hurt or the food sucks, keep your comments to yourself. Nobody women’s networking groups uk likes a whiner. If everyone else complains about the food though, go ahead and join in, you don’t want people to think you’re starving!

For the actual presentation, the fact that you have timed it and run through it will have not done any harm. No doubts you’re still going to be nervous and all the symptoms above will still be there but here’s a great tip for how to keep it in control.

Do you need to know what you are doing? No. If that were true, most businesses would never get off the ground. There is tremendous support both from other businesses to government sponsored development corporations to point you in the right direction. Many small business networking groups generate workshops on management topics, not to mention the glut of information on the internet. Line up a group of trusted advisors and take their advice.

Many local software defined networking Coffee Shops and Laundromats have bulletin boards where you can put your business cards or flyers. Many people look for something to read or do when in these locations.

Be active – add to your website daily – Facebook updates, twitter updates, blog. Imagine if you only turned up to your retail storefront one day a month, how successful would your business be? Your website should be treated like a retail store, open it everyday, update things, add things, make it fresh and interesting.

Here’s a secret about networking (and about relationships in general) – people are scared. We all want to stay in our comfort zones, and we don’t want to risk rejection. So that great contact you made at the last event who never called you for lunch didn’t necessarily not like you. He or she might simply be a little nervous. You want to get to know them better? Make the call. You won’t always get a yes, but I can guarantee you’ll have more lunch plans and interesting meetings than all those people sitting in their offices waiting for their phones to ring. No one is coming – you gotta go out there and get ’em!