Networking and connecting can be incredibly rewarding. And as you get the hang of it you may determine that the time has come for you to start your own networking group. While many who choose to will succeed, the risk involved should be measured against the potential reward before jumping in.
12- Develop You- You can grow your business as big as you can grow yourself. The more you grow and strengthen your knowledge, skills, and personality traits the more confident you become and the more you begin to attract. Start there!
Think you have to come up with something totally unique. Try not to invent a new wheel. If you want to succeed, your chances are greatly enhanced by doing something that has already proven successful. There is always room for new entrepreneurs and many communities software defined networking will openly embrace you.
Surround yourself with optimistic, supportive people. Misery may love company, but this is not the time to commiserate. You need to remain focused, positive, and inspired.
Email is another relationship building platform. Many gurus have beautifully branded emails. Others are just plain good reading without any branding logo. Yet, both have a feel and look to them. And, their personality shows through their branding efforts and communications to you. They are using marketing and networking notes that they found successful. Check these out and learn.
A provoking thought: Business gurus and networking groups promote “building relationships.” How many people reading this article are building relationships through conversation? Granted, conversation has morphed in the 21st century. It’s more electronic than ever. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away, I can remember people refusing to leave their name and phone number on an answering machine because they found it too impersonal and rude. Nowadays, people would rather leave their live voice on an electronic device than “talk” to a real person. We love communication but we don’t necessarily love conversation. And for many, they don’t like having a conversation that’s deeper than 144 characters.
Consistency: It is necessary to be consistent through the different networks by adding the same information and profile picture when using similar IDs.
12. Oh no, the limp lettuce handshake! You will have to learn how to shake hands properly. This is something not many know how to do these days. Hold your hand out in front of you, smile, look the person in the eye and grip the other person’s hand briefly and introduce yourself. Not too strong and not for too long, and customarily right hand to right hand.
Conclusion: You can use clear, concise communication online and get your message across but the wrong networking group can slow you down and even derail you. Choose wisely and early on to build relationships that will benefit both you and the others in the group far into the future – maybe even friendships.