The new era of social networking is great for introverts. Through outlets such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and using email or message boards, people can connect with a wider variety of people in their own element, often in the comforts of their own home, with no pressure whatsoever.
More public approval here! It is a pretty easy platform to jump on. You can also use this as another Social Media platform to interact on; conversations can flow, and you can gain more fans with marketing and networking meme used on a regular basis.
Getting the relationship started is a great first step, but it will be up to you to build on this connection to strengthen the fabric of your network.
In my 29 years of recruiting, I have talked with and trained over 200 recruiters around the country in advanced recruiting techniques. Given this, I’ve learned two things 1) the recruiting industry is not homogeneous and 2) we all may be different, but there is one constant; how we find people. There really isn’t anything all that unique about how recruiters go about locating potential candidates. We all use our networks and other people’s networks. This includes both on-line networks such as LinkedIn (Consider joining a LinkedIn Job Search Group) and off-line such as networking groups in our community.
Remember, software defined networking is not a sale. It’s a relationship that forms over a series of lunches, meetings, conversations, etc. It takes time. If you are expecting immediate results, spend money and advertise.
To network means to understand what another person does, who their target is and who else they are looking to meet. Networking is not sending mass emails to people you have met for a few moments. For me, networking means I need to know as many different people as possible so that when my friends and colleagues are in need of something, I have a frame of reference to help. Networking is not meeting someone to get you more business. When people learn about what you do and see a need for your services, they will refer business to you naturally. When networking, your goal is to form a relationship.
The internet is a great source for networking groups and websites, take a look around and see what can best benefit your home business. Your virtual assistant business is what you make of it. It is up to you to make a success by using all the tools and techniques available to you.